by other Industry Leaders
The Colorado Experiment 1973
Journal of Exercise Physiology 2012
Responses To Exercise Physiology Update - 1986
The AE Factor Physiology Update - 1986
Strength Training Methods and the Work of Arthur Jones By Smith and Bruce-Low
Evidence-Based Resistance Training Recommendation
Explosive Exercises In Sports Training: A Critical Review
The following books are available at
Nautilus: The Lost Empire of Arthur Jones (2019)

The Dragon Traders: A Collective History of the Reptile Trade in America and the Age of Herpetoculture (2019)

High Intensity Training: How to build muscles in minutes - fast, efficient, and healthy (2018)

Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery (2017)

Golf Performance Training (2016)

Reptiland: How a Boyhood Dream became a Modern Zoo (2014)

If You Like Exercise... Chances Are You're Doing It Wrong by Gary Bannister (2013)

Pure Physique by Michael Lipowski
In Arthur's Shadow by Gary Bannister
The Unguarded Moment by Vert Mooney MD
Keys To Progress by John McCallum
Profiles of Genius by Gene Landrum
The Ultra Rich by Vance Packard (1982)